Saturday, 18 September 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Singapore's unequal racial policies shoud ignite the Malays

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore state controlled newspaper Straits Times online edition of Sept 17, 2010 has the story "No push to woo Malay migrants. Govt will rely on scholarships and jobs, says DPM Wong". In it, the Singapore Minister claims that "Singapore will not actively woo ethnic Malay immigrants". He says "What we cannot do is to go overseas and target specific ethnic groups to come to Singapore".

The Minister is not surprisingly lying again through his teeth, but in a country like Singapore where the entire media is state owned like the former Soviet Union or present day Communist China, he can of course get away with it. Except for the Internet, you can't really challenge him on it. Just as you couldn't in former Soviet Russia.

But unless we are blind, we can all see the truth, which is, the government favors Chinese immigration over Malays and Indians. And the truth is that Singapore does actively woo Chinese immigrants from Communist China with Singapore government agencies all over China advertising for immigrants. Through these advertisements in China, Singapore continues to attract all manner of Chinese in the hundreds of thousands to work in Singapore at all levels from dishwasher to Geylang independent contractor prostitutes. This active recruitment of Chinese nationals has been going on for decades. Only difference now is the recruitment effort has been heightened to bring in even larger numbers. You can see if you have eyes that Singapore is awash with Chinese faces, all recent immigrants from China though the extensive advertising which the Singapore government does to attract them. It did not happen by itself.

As for the Indians, a much smaller number is brought mainly to work as computer engineers in which they are skilled. But Indians are not brought in for the trade of dishwashers or freelance prostitutes or other menial non technical work like the Chinese. It is much harder for an Indian to immigrate into Singapore.

The race of people almost neglected by the government are the Malays. Even though the Malays have more children that the Chinese, no matter how big their families are, Lee Kuan Yew is determined to counter them by even larger Chinese human imports. With the present policy of this government, the Malay race is doomed. They are what the World Wildlife Organization calls "endangered species" when referring to animals.

I was reading yesterday that even though Malays do not emigrate in as large numbers as the Chinese and despite the fact that they have larger families, their numbers are in fact shrinking. In 2007, they were 15% of the population. Today they are 13%. This only happens with Lee Kuan Yew bringing in planeloads of riff raff from China, from waitresses who moonlight as prostitutes to Chinese hawkers in Chinatown.

Come on guys, this is not fair. In Singapore all races are supposed to be equal. Chinese are no more equal to others. Like the pigs in George Orwell's 1984 had said " Four legs are good but two legs are better". You see the pigs decided to walk on the hind legs! This is exactly what is happening there. The Chinese suddenly have got preferential treatment since Lee Kuan Yew is Chinese, just like the pigs in Orwell's 1984; so the Chinese get the bread and the Malays get the crumbs.

If there is any Malay out there reading this, no violence please, because that is wrong. Violence did not achieve anything. But if you were so enraged as to boil with rage, there is not a single decent two legged human who would not understand. Please remember, your quarrel is not with your fellow Chinese Singaporeans because it is not their fault. Your anger should be directed to Lee Kuan Yew and his government who take your country away from you. Remember it is yours as much as it is Chinese. Don't stand for it.

Cry foul to High Heavens and demand your rights. Don't stand for it like you have done so far.


Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914


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