Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Thank you for this editorial that properly corrects the record and highlights the untruths told by the President. The fantasy world he lives in needs the constant interruption of truth to prevent history from being rewritten and the wrong conclusions from being reached. It's amazing that there is not more public outcry against his patently absurd delusions.
Note that the history of Islam is replete with examples of mosques replacing churches stemming from the Moslem belief that Islam is the one true religion that replaces the lesser faiths of Judaism and Christianity. Perhaps Obama wants to use his Presidency to not only redistribute wealth, but also to help promote Islam. At some point, this would open the door to shariah law, nullifying freedom for those under it's evil grip, and providing the jihadists with partial victory by deceit from within.

merrden says:

1 hour, 52 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

By the words of their mouths and actions of their hands you shall know them. Obama is definitely a Muslim subversionist. Any one who knows our history knows that we were not molded by the Islamic faith. We share many of th same good principles but how these principles are carried out at large in our society is a vast difference between our cultures. By the way the Jewish Torah is part of the Koran and a substantial disputation is concerned with Jesus Christ is also included. Mohammad was greatly influenced by both religions. His sister was a convert to both and read scriptures to him. He was totally turned of by Jewish legalism and Christian preoccupation with religious fetishes. This focus on laws and objects instead of GOD was a total turn off to him. So after meditating it came to him that Allah was GOD and Mohammad was his prophet. Islam was born. He retained a deep respect for Jews and Christians and called th m the People Of The Book. He instructed his followers to leave these people alone as well as any who devoutly worshiped in a temple. These historical facts are either totally ignored or are totally lost to his followers for centuries.Even so Islam has not played a substantial role in our founding at all. It has however become a shaper of our policies as a matter of our own safety because of the Radical Extremist of Islam.. It is the custom of Mid Eastern regimes and others to lie an lie and lie continually to gain control. If you tell a lie loud enough, long enough the people will believe it even when they know it is not true. Mien Kamph Adolph Hitler. Obama and the leftist fit the mold perfectly indeed.

merrden says:

2 hours, 15 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

Sorry newuser. You are misinformed or perhaps Anti Christian in your dreams. The fact is that The Christian Church had a tremendous influence. You are correct that some of the signers of The Decleration Of Independence were not Christian. Jefferson was a Diest as was another, One was a Taoist, 9 were confessed Free Masons. Incidentally the Scottish Rite was founded by Lord St. Claire. The St. Claires were Church People. Many Free Masons of the day attended the local church as many do today. Actually the mainstream religion here was Christian base. The actual truth is that the Judeo - Christian principles are also found in Dieism and Taoism. It is the principles that our nation was founded upon. The founding fathers wanted to avoid the religious persecutions that plagued Europe. Jefferson and his committee wrote the principles in and left Church running of government affair out. Jefferson did deny that the nation was founded upon Christian principles, while another founding father affirmed that the Christian religion was to be preferred but no denomination was to hold sway as The National Religious Denomination such as The Anglican Church in England (CofE), or the Catholic Church in Italy, France,or Spain.
You would do well to throughly study religions and History before you form opinions and pass them off as authoritative fact.

New User 2e374 says:

2 hours, 25 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

President Obama is one of the greatest presidents . He will be re-elected because the majority, as before, will realize that compared to the opposition he IS the BEST.

openeyes1 says:

4 hours, 38 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

Honest to goodness, the dummy president just does not get it.
He might be forced to pull a Palin and resign before his first term is over. He could go off and write his memoirs and build his presidential library or write comic books .
obama is now seen by both parties as a ONE TERM PRESIDENT. He is clueless and toothless

New User a1e51 says:

5 hours, 28 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

The USA wasn't founded on Christian principles; in fact, many of the founding fathers weren't even Christian.

See http://www.thedeenshow.com/show.php?action=detail&id=1856

Lovely_Lisa says:

6 hours, 58 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

This whole debate in the end will not be productive. Our constitution protects these people, as long as they are not participating in subversive activities.

ACRScout says:

7 hours, 10 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

The Dipstick in Chief did get one thing right. Islam has been a participant in U.S. history since our nations earliest history. In the time of the founding of the U.S. Muslims were raiding U.S. Merchant routes and sunk U.S. flag merchantmen, captured and enslaved U.S. sailors. This later sparked a Marine Expeditionary Force that attacked Muslim forces in North Africa, spawning the line from the Marine Corps Hymn "To the shores of Tripoli" when U.S. Marines rescued U.S. sailors from captivity of the Muslim Barbary Pirates.

New User 2e374 says:

7 hours, 29 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

I don't think anyone really believes President Obama enforces constitutional rights to "taunt" the American public but rather to work towards peace. The site of this Mosque is forcing the American people to come to terms with this and it is not a pretty picture with such superficial thinking. A mosque there, does NOT undermine those that died in 911. It gives great meaning to them. They each are heros towards world peace.

gneubeck says:

9 hours, 3 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

We voted for a President -but- ended up electing a "buffoon". Greg Neubeck

Mrdandrea says:

9 hours, 29 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

It has become regrettably and painfully obvious to me that our President is so concerned with the rights, privileges, and desires of the Muslim Religion he has lost his sense of who he represents and his leadership responsibilities as President of the United States of America. The President should have said the right to build a mosque in America is of course a right but in building a mosque so close to where the World Trade Center was is to ridicule, taunt, mock, scoff, and dismiss the wishes of the American people. Why not take the Governor of New York up on his offer and build it somewhere else in NYC? The president should come out and tell the world why he thinks it is wrong or right to build the mosque two blocks away from "sacred ground." His decision to duck this issue sounds like a college professor not a president. Mr. President it is time to listen to the American people and do the right thing. You should lead us not leave us hanging!

Mrdandrea says:

9 hours, 32 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

It has become regrettably and painfully obvious to me that our President is so concerned with the rights, privileges, and desires of the Moslem Religion he has lost his sense of who he represents and his leadership responsibilities as President of the United States of America. The President should have said the right to build a mosque in America is of course a right but in building a mosque so close to where the World Trade Center was is to ridicule, taunt, mock, scoff, and dismiss the wishes of the American people. Why not take the Governor of New York up on his offer and build it somewhere else in NYC? The president should come out and tell the world why he thinks it is wrong or right to build the mosque two blocks away from "sacred ground." His decision to duck this issue sounds like a college professor not a president. Mr. President it is time to listen to the American people and do the right thing. You should lead us not leave us hanging!

whaatcher says:

9 hours, 50 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

So confused! Can a Muslim really become an infidel Christian and maintain his Muslim faith? The man was raised in the Muslin faith, switch hits to run for Congress and a bright political take over of America. The Taliban has reached farther in this war than the Jihad could have ever expected.
I was sure he was never a real Chritiam when he cancelled prayer day because America was no longer a Christian natiionand then endorced a Muslim prayer and " get to know your Muslim neighbors" WANG Bamg Special! The Patriot Act and The Council Of Governors have given this Jihad "MOLE" the power to do great damage. It may take a revolution to save our country; not a joke! We must restore sane government.
The American Election Fund should be started before this election, but it is too late. This fund would be from say,$2.00 from every taxpayers debt ,not return. This amount would determine the money that each candidate would receive,no more. No personal ,no corporate fund ,gifts or incentinves. This should slow down the corporate control and put more worth on the will of their constituents.
Reenstate the Constitution as a viable document of our new Democracy. All illegal aliens having been deported and our borders secured we can start to reconstruct our President ,Congress and The supreme Courts salaries,term limits and immediate dismissal on breach of promise and or failure to do their jobs competently. Pork barrel legislation will be banned! English will be our official language ,no other. Learn Enlish or go back to wherever you came from.
Think about it. We are living in the result of corporate run government. Your Congress does not have to think,just do what the power lobby tells them to do. We ,at present, have a bunch of corporate controlled " DASH DOGS " ruining, not running our government. WE The People better get busy if we want this country to even resmble it's former might and industry!

New User 2e374 says:

10 hours, 2 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

there was a reason President Obama received the peace award. A leader's thoughts must gfo beyond personal judgements...Obama is an exception President in that he looks beyond the immediate. Remember when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor? Of course we would have been upset if they then wanted to build a church on the site-then but in time things change -now the Japanese live among us(-though I'm sure there are those who still wish they didn't.) America is the melting pot from arriving immigrants....if any of us happened to be born in an unsatisfactory country we too would seek America( perhaps even illegally if desperate enough from hunger or what have you). Be honest "there for the sake of God go I".

hooey says:

19 hours, 45 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

We all have our reasons for wanting obama out of the presidency. I would like to see him out of the country as well. Preferably to a muslim country where he can not do as much harm as he is doing here. It will take a while to clean up the mess he is in the middle of creating. If America has learned a lesson from his time in power, then the mistake of voting another like him into office can be avoided. As for the clean up process, I think an organised boycott of all things muslim is a good place to start.

openeyes1 says:

21 hours, 28 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

onumbnutz starts his speeches by always prefacing with "uh,,,,, mmm, uh..... let me be perfectly clear...." So this muslim missionary is taking a long time to perfect exactly what he is about to state. YET, the dumb bastard invariably denies or obfuscates what he said.

Whatever this slime ball says has a 24 hour life before it is retracted or denied or reframed to suit his political paranoia at that new moment.

openeyes1 says:

23 hours, 18 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

November 2012 can not come soon enough!

openeyes1 says:

23 hours, 18 minutes ago

Mark as offensive

November 2012 can not come soon enough!

gneubeck says:

1 day ago

Mark as offensive

Is anyone actually surprised that our Muslim/Marxist in the WH, Barack Obama, would do anything other than agree to desecrate the memory of 9/11 with his initial "unconditional" support for the construction of a "Victory" mosque at Ground Zero! After all, this is a man who bows before Muslim leaders; and, has expressed nothing but contempt for our Constitution, and America in its present form. No doubt he would also support the imposition of Sharia on American society. But, before the Sun had set on his comments before the Islamic dinner, our National disgrace NOW wants to recant his earlier remarks after his statement was greeted with overwhelming public condemnation. A recant that was later clarified, re-clarified; and, again further defined. What a pitiful excuse for a man. If it's not yet clear to most that it's Obama's intention to destroy America in its present form; and, convert our Nation to his vision of a Marxist Socialist society then simply make an objective review his radical re-distributionist policies; and, you can be certain that the economy will continue to stagnate so long as Obama persists in hyping redistribution as stimulus. With a public sector background limited to that of a community agitator for ACORN, Obama repeatedly demonstrates that he's little more than a "buffoon". This deeply flawed man is a real and present danger to both the economic and National security interests of the United States; and, must be removed from office by the Congress at the soonest opportunity. The WH will have to be fumigated for weeks after the Obama's departure. In the interim, let's send him on an extended vacation to Siberia until after 2012. Greg Neubeck

New User 22955 says:

1 day ago

Mark as offensive

Bob P 1940..........This country was founded on Christian priciples and is 95% Christian. When you read Obama's statement you would think that the Muslims founded this county.Like the saying goes "A person is entitled to their own opinion but not to their own facts".The American people wish he worried more about them than the Muslims and the illegal immigrants. Is this still. Since day 1 of his presidency he has put America on a very slippery slope.

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